Thursday, May 17, 2007

Paris Gets A Get Out Of Jail Card, Sorta...

Paris' sentence has been reduced from 45 to 23 days due to credit given for good behavior. She will begin her stay at the Century Regional Detention Center in Lynwood, California on June 5th.

The heiress Paris will get a little less time to spend in the big house due to her good behavior.

Hilton's sentence has been reduced to 23 days according to Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore.

The sentence was reportedly shortened due to credit given for good behavior - which amounts to her showing up for her latest court date.

The socialite will not be the belle of the ball at the Century Regional Detention Center in Lynwood, California - as she will be kept separate from the general population. Hilton will be in a private section reserved for high-profile 'guests.'

I'm not surprised! I knew she wouldn't serve the full sentence. I even doubt she'll actually serve any of it!

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